Friday, February 19, 2010

NOrangutans and Crocodiles – Thursday 18th Feb 2010

Well, attempt #2 at seeing the orangutans failed. They were only open from 9-10am and 3-4pm. That’s all. We may try again on Saturday morning. Luckily Alan drove us there so it wasn’t a big taxi fee for nothing. On to Plan B – The Crocodile Farm.

This was slightly exciting (read superduper exciting!) for me as there were also monkeys – and a baby monkey :D. We watched the crocodiles during feeding time, they truly are a creepy creepy animal with the way they lurk underwater, slither up to the surface then pounce on something. I would not enjoy meeting one. At all. The baby monkey was possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen. It was so scrawny and unbalanced… at one point the mother had to catch it when it fell off the wall. Very cute. I also saw my first Porcupine. One of my top 5 favourite animals is an echidna… now I assumed that Porcupine was just the American term for an echidna – I was wrong. They are the oddest looking creatures, with a head somewhat like an otter (but spiky) and a bottom that seems to balloon to a size very disproportionate to it’s neck and head. I like them, though not as much as an echidna.

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We thought we better take the obligatory tourist photo outside the crocodile farm…


Back into the city for a spot of shopping, free WIFI and then home to collect our beautifully clean clothes from the laundry. Yay for having something that isn’t bathed in sweat… gotta love this humidity!

Afternoon tea was a beautiful cake bought from a street vendor. They had all sorts of flavours, like Honeydew flavoured cake, but alas she had no more honeydew, so it was the most colourful one we could find that we ended up deciding on!


I had a delightful swim in the pool here, my first swim this trip! I would also like to point out that today, I used a ‘hole toilet’ for the first time. I have now officially experienced Asian toilet culture!

Dinner was at an extremely rebellious non-halal restaurant that specialised in pork. Mmm. It was amazing, and both Jess and I managed to finish our entire meals (I think that is a first for this trip!) After dinner drinks for Jess and I at the ‘Terminal 1’ Bar consisted of 2 cosmopolitans and a man in his mid-30s trying very earnestly to buy us a drink. Our taxi arrived just in time and we hurried out the door just as the man was attempting to tell us something about Melbourne… it was nice to go out at night and have a drink and a chat!

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Tomorrow (if all goes according to plan, which is a not a regular occurrence in this country), we will be heading to Bako National Park, which sounds awesomely touristy and beautiful. I may even get to see a proboscis monkey… eep!

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