Saturday, January 30, 2010

Malaysia Eve

Well, we are pre-malaysia. Malaysia Eve. I am almost packed and ready to go... and by packed I do of course mean that I have what I want to take in various piles all over the place.
Passport: check
Gastro-Kit: check
Awesome cotton hippy pants: check
Looks like I'm good to go, at last.
These last 10 days have been particularly stressful, with trying to catch up with everyone I haven't seen since I left for Tasmania, organise passports (do not get me started on the saga of passport applications when your mother is foreign and you don't have your father's birth certificate - apparently being born in Australia yourself is no longer grounds to be a citizen!), and find a house.
As I have been so far unsuccessful on the last of those, I am leaving the country with no idea what I'll be coming home to. Joy. I love surprises. I hope it has a big ribbon on it.
I am exhausted so I think I shall go to bed, as tomorrow is going to be a big one!
Bonne Nuit :)